

視客社は2008年設立の、コンタクトレンズ関連製品を専門に販売する電子商取引会社。 直近5年間の売上は年平均48%の成長を続け、オンラインのコンタクトレンズ専門販売店としては最大級の売上を誇り、豊富な顧客基盤と独自のマーケティングノウハウを強みとしている。

メニコンはこれまで、「SMART TOUCH」などの商品力を活かした使い捨てコンタクトレンズを中国のグループ会社などを通じて販売してきた。







(写真左より) 山岸 俊介 メニコン中国事業部長 / 竹下 憲二 メニコン海外統括本部長 / 川浦 康嗣 メニコン代表執行役社長COO / 劉 海勇 視客社総経理 / 湯 家濤 視客社副総経理 / 聂 祝青 視客社調達総責任者

Menicon Forms Strategic Partnership with Vsigo in China to Strengthen Disposable Contact Lens Sales (Menicon Co., Ltd.)

Menicon Co., Ltd. announced on November 6, 2024, that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Nanjing Vsigo Network Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Vsigo”), headquartered in Nanjing, China, for the sale of disposable contact lenses in mainland China.

The disposable contact lens market in China is worth approximately 400 billion yen as of 2023 and continues to grow at 14% year-on-year. Vsigo, established in 2008, is an e-commerce company specializing in the sale of contact lens-related products. The company’s sales have grown at an average annual rate of 48% over the past five years, boasting the largest sales among online contact lens retailers. Vsigo’s strengths lie in its extensive customer base and unique marketing expertise.

Menicon has been selling disposable contact lenses in China through its group companies, leveraging its product strengths, including “SMART TOUCH,” which allows users to easily and hygienically remove lenses from their cases without touching the inner surface. This partnership aims to strengthen Menicon’s sales force for disposable contact lenses, a growing market in China, by combining Vsigo’s marketing expertise with Menicon’s product capabilities.

Menicon holds a high market share in orthokeratology lenses and care products in the Chinese contact lens market. By strengthening its disposable contact lens sales, the company aims to build long-term customer lifetime value (LTV), encouraging children of Menicon users to choose familiar Menicon products when they begin orthokeratology in the future.

Menicon has manufacturing bases for disposable contact lenses in Japan (Kakamigahara and Seki factories) and Singapore, and is preparing for the operation of its largest factory in Malaysia (scheduled to start in the second half of the fiscal year ending March 2026). Through this strategic partnership, Menicon aims to further expand its disposable contact lens business in overseas markets.

For more information: https://www.vsigo.cn/

(From left) Shunsuke Yamagishi, Menicon China General Manager / Kenji Takeshita, Menicon General Manager, Overseas Business Division / Yasutsugu Kawaura, Menicon Representative Executive Officer, President and COO / Haiyong Liu, Vsigo General Manager / Jiatao Tang, Vsigo Deputy General Manager / Zhuqing Nie, Vsigo General Manager of Procurement